Home / Updates Do’s & Don’ts in Marriage Relationship

Marriages can be seen stressful and dominating. In reality, marriage should be based on trust and mutual respect. It is said that marriages are made in heaven and people on earth are the mediator to interact couple with each other. Marriage is not an easy decision to be taken in a minute and not a relation to be broke up within a second. It is our duty to fulfill the expectation, rituals and to obey the relationship rules.

Women are said to be home manager whereas men play a role to earn hard money for the living. There are no restrictions on work. Women are restricted to home only and men are not restricted to office only. Both work together to earn for their survival and both participate in domestic activities. Together they work with love, the relation grows eventually. It is not a system to be followed strictly, it is a mutual understanding between couples they follow from the bottom of their hearts.

Both know the value of each other and regulate their family with great love after having their baby. Having a Kid at home, broadens your responsibility towards the kid. You are not only running a home, you are growing a new generation with you so it is our duty to develop healthy and positive atmosphere around your child so that he could be nurtured with true aroma. The sexual life can be affected due to broken relation so better to follow the simple guidelines and not to diamanté each other:-

  • Marriages are based on hopes and expectations. The couple starts expecting each other just after the marriage without knowing that they belong to different culture, upbringing & families. With the passing time, they started understanding each other. It is the duty of the couple to give enough time to understand and accept each other.
  • Always think positive and never try to judge other. Try to adopt the habit and situations. Never contradict each other. Give suggestions, but never order. Understand the situation of each other.
  • Learn to forgive and forget. We should understand that every human commits mistakes. So one should learn from their mistakes and should maintain the trust on a partner. Stop the blame game. Focus on the positive side instead of the mistakes.
  • Create a romantic atmosphere. Say “I Love You’ and other romantic words daily as these words create the positive environment and emotional moments.
  • Relation demands respect. “Sorry” and “Thank You” words are easy to communicate and strengthen the relationship. Reduce communication gap. Share your feelings. try to surprise each other. Don’t be possessive or aggressive, be loving and caring
  • Never talk negatively about your relationship. Do not waste energy on pointing fingers at anyone. If you have some problems in your relationship, discuss, understand and resolve the things.

In other words, respect each other and understand each other. do not be authoritative with each and do not try to be bossy aways. Spread love and strengthen relationships. Healthier the emotional bonding happier would be the family life.

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