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Unlike traditional style of yoga, power yoga is dynamic and more intense. It focuses on strength building more than meditation and is flexible in terms of postures making it interesting to practice every day. This energizing yoga practice is a combination of yoga and aerobic exercises which brings together the benefits of yoga (mental, physical, and spiritual wellness) and high-intensity exercises.

The merits of power yoga make up a long list. It provides strength to the body, boosts stamina, increases flexibility, keeps away heart diseases, strengthens the bones, and promotes a healthy weight. Adding to this, it is great to maintain a good body posture. Power yoga facilitates blood circulation in the entire body and helps to maintain a strong immunity. And, like all other physical exercises, it is great for mental health. A person who invests in power yoga has a better power of concentration and keeps away from stress. However, it is important to maintain a routine and perform the exercises accurately to enjoy the benefits of power yoga.

Here are some key points that you need to focus to make your power yoga session fruitful: –

Breathing : Yoga starts and ends with breathing. Thus, it is important to properly control your breathing throughout the poses. The asanas are beneficial only when breathing goes in sync with the poses. For this, you need to know your limits and practice good habits.

Keep the below points in mind related to breathing: –

  • The task of holding your breath for long is not easy at the start. You might get short at breathing while exercising and holding a pose. Practice holding your breath for long to prevent stress & tension on the body.
  • Start with a trainer. The trainer will help you with the right breathing method that works well for you.
  • Deep-belly breathing is recommended in traditional yoga. This breathing method involves the rise of the abdomen on inhaling and go to normal position while exhaling.
  • Focus on your breathing while you perform the poses.

The ujjayi breathing .This is a breathing method that involves sound and movement. The roots of power yoga lie in Ashtanga Yoga, that is based on victorious breath techniques. The ujjayi breathing can be performed in the following manner: –

  • Sit straight with your eyes closed.
  • Breath deep through your nose and exhale through the mouth with a sound of “haaa” In the next repetition keep the mouth closed and make noise in the throat.
  • Next, slowly lift your arms up when you inhale and bring it down when you exhale. Then, rest hands in the lap and breathe again. Repeat the exercise.

This practice will help you to perform the poses in sync with your breathing. This technique of breathing effectively supplies oxygen to the whole body and makes you more active throughout the day without feeling tired.

Meditation. Yoga and meditation are interrelated. Meditation demands an enormous amount of concentration. Meditation is helpful in lowering blood pressure, fighting depression & anxiety, and overcome insomnia. Practice meditation to emulsify the effects of power yoga.

  • Find a quiet place and sit comfortably. Then, close your eyes and in and out for 5 seconds each. While breathing, pay attention to your breath.
  • To keep your mind away from deviation, focus on a particular sound, color or a place that you always wanted to go or miss visiting.
  • If in case, your mind jumps to some other thought (which is quite obvious in starting few days) pull it back to the place you decide to focus on.
  • The time for meditating depends on an individual. You can meditate for a few minutes or an hour or as long as you want. There will be a lot of distractions at first but soon you will be able to meditate for longer periods of time.

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