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Balanitis is ideally a treatable condition that most commonly happens in uncircumcised males. The primary symptom of balanitis includes inflammation and pain on the head of the penis the pain and inflammation of the head of the penis that happens commonly in uncircumcised males. Circumcision is a process that is performed to remove the foreskin from the head of the penis. A yeast infection generally causes balanitis, but it can be due to bacterial or viral infection. The best part is that the disease is not contagious.

How common is balanitis?

At least 10% of the males will have balanitis during their lifetime, and it is more likely to occur in uncircumcised men and boys under the age of 4.

The different types of balanitis

Balanitis, also known as zoon balanitis, affects uncircumcised middle-aged men and is discussed due to inflamed, red penis head.

Circinate balanitis is a type of balanitis that is caused due to reactive arthritis, which is a type of arthritis that develops in response to an infection in the body. Besides inflammation, redness is also seen in this type of balanitis which leads to small sores on the head of the penis.

Who is most likely to be affected by balanitis?

Balanitis generally affects uncircumcised males because the warmest area under the foreskin is a general place for yeast and bacteria to grow. It can occur at any age can is more common in males who have phimosis or tight foreskin that doesn’t quickly move over the head of the penis. Men who have poor hygiene or have diabetes because they increased glucose on their skin can stimulate bacterial and fungal growth are obese or have sexually transmitted diseases are more likely to be affected by balanitis.

The symptoms of balanitis

Symptoms of balanitis might appear suddenly or develops gradually, and they can include pain and irritation on the head of the penis, redness or red patches on the penis itching under the sports skin areas of shiny or white skin on the penis, white discharge under the foreskin painful urination foul smell and sores on the glans.

How to diagnose balanitis?

Medical providers diagnose balanitis with a physical examination to determine if an infection is causing symptoms. The provider might swap the urethra opening and send the sample to a lab for testing. The medical provider may also order a urine or blood test to check for diabetes and other infections.

Balanitis treatments

The balanitis treatment depends on what has caused the condition.

If a yeast infection is causing balanitis, then the medical provider will prescribe an anti-fungal cream to treat the disease. You just need to apply the cream to the glans or head of the penis and foreskin as defined by the Sexologist doctor India.

If a sexually transmitted disease is the cause of your symptoms, then the medical provider will treat the infection with antibiotics, and the antibiotic depends on the type of infection.

Doctors will also recommend you wash and dry your foreskin to reduce the risk of balanitis return. Then, all you need to do is maintain hygiene perfectly.

Your provider will show how to manage the condition if you have diabetes.

The medical provider is likely to recommend circumcision if you have recurring symptoms of balanitis. Circumcision is a surgical process in which the doctor will remove the foreskin covering the penis. Experts suggest the treatment most often for men who have a tight foreskin.

You can quickly relieve the symptoms by often beating and avoiding harsh soaps.

If you are looking forward to having balanitis treatment, you must connect with experts at Gautam Clinic.

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