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Male impotence can be treated surgically using a malleable penile implant. The implant, made up of two cylindrical pieces, is rigid but bendable at all times. Everything functions inside and is not visible from the outside.

Penile Implants cylinders are housed in the penis on both sides. The cylinders are placed without removing any tissue; instead, they take the place of the blood that would have been there if one were healthy. The tubes won’t stop you from urinating or ejaculating normally. The cylinders do not affect the penis’s feeling. The tumescence of the penis’s glans (i.e., its head) is unaffected by the cylinders.

How Penile Implants Work

At present, two distinct penile implants can be purchased. The most widely used penile implant is a three-piece inflatable device and a flexible penile implant. Both kinds of implants can be molded to fit your anatomy to give you an erection that’s strong enough to last through a sexual encounter. It shouldn’t have any effect on your sensitivity or ejaculatory abilities. The malleable implant (flexible rods) results in a permanently firm penis, whereas the 3-piece inflatable implant results in a more natural erection.

Penile prosthetics that inflate

The inflated penile prosthesis comprised of silicone and Bio flex, a flexible but sturdy material. Malleable Penile Prosthesis Implantation in India made to appear and feel just like a natural erection.

An inflatable penile implant has the following three components:

  1. A storage tank implanted in the stomach
  2. Placement of two cylinders in the penis
  3. A scrotal pump.

Malleable Penile Implants

The Genesis is an implant for the penile shaft that comprises two rigid but malleable rods. This is a standalone implant; it does not come with any additional components. An erection is achieved by holding the penis and repositioning it. When you’re done with it, you may tuck it away by bending it back down. Men with limited dexterity may benefit from the flexible Malleable Penile Prosthesis Implantation in India.

Indications for a Penile Implant

    • Rates of Patient Contentment:

Inflatable penile implants have a near-perfect satisfaction rate of 98% among patients.

    • Increased Rates of Patient Satisfaction:

Compared to patients treated with ED medication or other methods, those who received a penile implant had a much higher level of satisfaction.

    • Discrete Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction:

When the penis is weak, a prosthetic replacement is unnoticeable. Unless you specifically tell your partner, they will not know that you have had an implant placed to treat your ED.

    • The Shortest Possible Downtime:

Although it varies from man to man, getting back on your feet after having a prosthesis implanted usually takes four to six weeks. Having sex again will be possible after you have fully recovered.

    • Cost-effective:

Over ten years, penile implants have been found to have the lowest total cost among all treatments for erectile dysfunction.

    • Insurance Protection:

When prescribed by a Sexologist doctor in India, penile implants are typically covered by insurance, including Medicare.


Some potential dangers of getting a penile implant are:

  • Infection, It is possible to have an infection during surgery. You may be more susceptible to disease if you have a spinal cord injury or diabetes.
  • Issues with the implant. While modern designs for penile implants have a low failure rate, there have been isolated incidents of implant failure. If you don’t want to undergo surgery again, you can choose to leave a broken device in place rather than repair or replace it.
  • This includes erosion or adhesion on the inside. It is possible for an implant to adhere to the penile skin or to wear away at the penile skin. In highly unusual cases, an implant can penetrate the body. Infection is a possible cause of these issues.

Treating an infection

Infections following penile implant surgery manifest themselves within the first three months after the procedure. Conditions of implants are often treated by removing them surgically.

Healing from an implant procedure

Patients undergoing this treatment option should be able to return home the same day. Pain relievers will be necessary, and antibiotics may be recommended to stave off infection.

Further instructions, if necessary, will be given by the doctor and may consist of:

  • Refraining from sexual activity for at least four to six weeks after surgery
  • Avoiding a downward curvature of the penis by ensuring it is always pointing toward the belly button.
  • When to get back to working out, exercising, and other forms of physical activity
  • Instructions for using the implant

The medical professional must also detail daily practice procedures that include inflating and deflating the implant. Tissue in the area can benefit from these stretches.

Your doctor has ordered this procedure. The best way to decide if a penile implant is correct for you is to discuss the treatment choices with Gautam Clinic and learn about the risks and benefits of each. Despite being the most invasive treatment for erectile dysfunction, penile implants are generally well-received by both patients and their partners. Penile implants have the best satisfaction rate of any treatment for erectile dysfunction.

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